
게임판 덮기

조규현15 2015. 1. 13. 18:00

게임판 덮기 문제 정보 문제 H*W 크기의 게임판이 있습니다. 게임판은 검은 칸과 흰 칸으로 구성된 격자 모양을 하고 있는데 이 중 모든 흰 칸을 3칸짜리 L자 모양의 블록으로 덮고 싶습니다. 이

예제 : not yet
평가 : not yet
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int calculate(int H, int W, char **map);
int isPossiblePosition(int index, char **map, int H, int W, int type);
int check(char **map, int H, int W);
void valueCopy(char **backBufferMap, char **map, int size);

int main()
    int TestCase;

    if (scanf("%d", &TestCase) <= 30)
        while (TestCase--)
            int i;

            int H, W;
            // make map
            char **Map;

            scanf("%d %d", &H, &W);

            // dynamic alloc
            Map = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * H);
            Map[0] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * W * H);
            for (i = 1; i < H; i++)
                Map[i] = Map[i - 1] + W;

            if (H < 1 || H > 20 || W < 1 || W > 20)
                break; // input error

            // get MapData
            for (i = 0; i < H; i++)
                char buffer[21];
                scanf("%s", &buffer);
                int j;
                for (j = 0; j < W; j++)
                    Map[i][j] = buffer[j];

            printf("%d\n", calculate(H, W, Map));


    return 0;

/* checkedMap[] value alg
 * 0	 // first
 * 1 | 5 // orientation 1
 * 2 | 6 // orientation 2
 * 3 | 7 // orientation 3
 * 4 | 8 // orientation 4
 *     9 // end
int calculate(int H, int W, char **map)
    int i;
    int checkedMap[40] = {
    int possibleCount = 0;

    // mark the checkedMap set '4', map position is impposible
    for (i = 0; i < W * H; i++)
        if ((*map)[i] == '#')
            checkedMap[i] = 9;

    int gate = 1;
    while (gate)
        gate = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < W * H; i++)
            if (checkedMap[i] < 9)
                if (isPossiblePosition(i, map, H, W, checkedMap[i]))
                { // succ
                    if (checkedMap[i] == 0)
                        (*map)[i] = '#';
                        (*map)[i - 1] = '#';
                        (*map)[i + W] = '#';
                        checkedMap[i] = 5;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 1)
                        (*map)[i] = '#';
                        (*map)[i - 1] = '#';
                        (*map)[i - W] = '#';
                        checkedMap[i] = 6;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 2)
                        (*map)[i] = '#';
                        (*map)[i + 1] = '#';
                        (*map)[i - W] = '#';
                        checkedMap[i] = 7;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 3)
                        (*map)[i] = '#';
                        (*map)[i + 1] = '#';
                        (*map)[i + W] = '#';
                        checkedMap[i] = 8;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 4)
                        checkedMap[i] = 9;
                    // checkedMap[i]++;
                else // fail
                    if (checkedMap[i] == 5)
                        (*map)[i] = '.';
                        (*map)[i - 1] = '.';
                        (*map)[i + W] = '.';
                        checkedMap[i] = 1;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 6)
                        (*map)[i] = '.';
                        (*map)[i - 1] = '.';
                        (*map)[i - W] = '.';
                        checkedMap[i] = 2;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 7)
                        (*map)[i] = '.';
                        (*map)[i + 1] = '.';
                        (*map)[i - W] = '.';
                        checkedMap[i] = 3;
                    else if (checkedMap[i] == 8)
                        (*map)[i] = '.';
                        (*map)[i + 1] = '.';
                        (*map)[i + W] = '.';
                        checkedMap[i] = 4;
                    //					else if (checkedMap[i] == 4){ checkedMap[i] = 9; }
                gate = 1;
                if (check(map, H, W))

    return possibleCount;

int isPossiblePosition(int index, char **map, int H, int W, int type)
    int i, j;
    char **backBufferMap;
    int isNotPosible = 0;

    // is imposible block CHAR
    if (type == 0)
        if (index - 1 > -1 || index + W < H * W)
            if ((*map)[index] == '#' || (*map)[index - 1] == '#' || (*map)[index + W] == '#')
                return 0;
            return 0;
    else if (type == 1)
        if (index - W > -1)
            if ((*map)[index] == '#' || (*map)[index - 1] == '#' || (*map)[index - W] == '#')
                return 0;
            return 0;
    else if (type == 2)
        if (index - W > -1 || index + 1 < H * W)
            if ((*map)[index] == '#' || (*map)[index + 1] == '#' || (*map)[index - W] == '#')
                return 0;
            return 0;
    else if (type == 3)
        if (index + W < H * W)
            if ((*map)[index] == '#' || (*map)[index + 1] == '#' || (*map)[index + W] == '#')
                return 0;
            return 0;
    else if (type == 4)
        return 0;

    // dynamic alloc
    backBufferMap = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * H);
    backBufferMap[0] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * W * H);
    for (i = 1; i < H; i++)
        backBufferMap[i] = backBufferMap[i - 1] + W;

    // copy of MapData to backBuffer
    // we calculate only On the backBUffer
    valueCopy(backBufferMap, map, sizeof(char) * H * W);

    for (i = 0; i < H; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < W; j++) // Test All of Case
            // is possible CHAR and count 1
            // and add Queue
            if (backBufferMap[i][j] == '.')
                int count = 0;
                int currentCount = 0;
                int *Queue = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * W * H);

                Queue[count++] = i * W + j;
                (*backBufferMap)[Queue[count - 1]] = '#';

                while (currentCount < count)
                    int max_position = W * H;
                    int _position = Queue[currentCount++];

                    // left
                    if (_position - 1 > 0 && (*backBufferMap)[_position - 1] == '.')
                        Queue[count++] = _position - 1;
                        (*backBufferMap)[Queue[count - 1]] = '#';
                    // right
                    if (_position + 1 < max_position && (*backBufferMap)[_position + 1] == '.')
                        Queue[count++] = _position + 1;
                        (*backBufferMap)[Queue[count - 1]] = '#';
                    // up
                    if (_position - W > 0 && (*backBufferMap)[_position - W] == '.')
                        Queue[count++] = _position - W;
                        (*backBufferMap)[Queue[count - 1]] = '#';
                    // down
                    if (_position + W < max_position && (*backBufferMap)[_position + W] == '.')
                        Queue[count++] = _position + W;
                        (*backBufferMap)[Queue[count - 1]] = '#';

                    // if l, r, u, d's CHAR possible, we change CHAR to '#'(is used)

                if (count % 3 != 0) // mod != 3 alert fail space
                    isNotPosible = 1;
    // reach here, we know [i][j] CHAR is Possible
    if (isNotPosible)
        return 0;
    return 1;

int check(char **map, int H, int W)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < W * H; i++)
        if ((*map)[i] == '.')
            return 0;

    return 1;
void valueCopy(char **backBufferMap, char **map, int size)
    while (size--)
        (*backBufferMap)[size - 1] = (*map)[size - 1];